Jameel Hussain Qureshi
Advocate Supreme Court
LL.B., LL.M (U.K.)
Managing Partner
Mr. Jameel Hussain Qureshi, Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan, has a wide ranging reputation as a leading corporate and commercial consultant and litigator. He is highly appreciated for his commercial awareness and international exposure. He has also been awarded degree in LL.M., International Commercial and Maritime Law from the University of Wales, Swansea, the United Kingdom. He assisted the courts in different cases / matters as Amicus Curiae.
Mr. Jameel Hussain Qureshi has significant expertise in Intellectual Property (Trade Marks, Patents, Copyrights and Designs) laws, Maritime and Shipping laws, Telecommunication and Cyber laws, Insurance laws, Banking laws, Co-operative Societies laws, Labour and Human Rights laws. During his LL.M in United Kingdom, he completed his research in law of Cyber, E-commerce and Intellectual Property laws and also worked in a project of defining role of Bill of lading and Charter-parties in shipping contracts related to International Trade.
He has significant experience in the legal profession and has formerly worked in various leading firms in Karachi and Islamabad. While working in leading law firms, he assisted in high stake cases and represented Bank of Punjab, Ten sports, Rockville Technologies (Pvt.) Limited, Simbrella B.V. (Azerbaijan) before District courts, High courts and other regulatory offices in Pakistan.
Before joining G.N.Q. Advocates and Legal Consultants as one of its core Partner, he remained In-house Corporate and Legal Counsel at Herbion Group, a multinational company in Pharmaceutical industry, where he enhanced his legal skills especially in Intellectual Property laws, Banking laws, Cyber laws, Drugs laws, Insurance laws, Labour laws, Trade laws, Tax and Customs laws and in International laws.
Mr. Jameel Hussain Qureshi, as a legal Consultant and Advocate Supreme Court, is advising and representing various authorities, multinational companies and organizations including Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (P.T.A), Qatar Charity, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Muslim Aid Trust, T&T Employees Cooperative Housing Society, Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited (ZTBL), TPL Direct Insurance Limited, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), TPL Trakker Limited, Cequens Telecom (Pvt.) Limited, National Colloid Industry, Farmaceutics International, Gaba Pharma Laboratories, Herbion Pakistan (Pvt.) Limited., Herbion International Inc. – Bahamas, Bellingham Holdings LLC – USA, Hamdard City (Pvt.) Limited and various other industries.
He has also been litigating and pleading on behalf of both individuals and companies and representing them before Trademark registry, Patents and Designs office, Copyrights office; before different tribunals and offices including Intellectual Property Tribunal, Tax authorities, Customs authorities, Competition Commission of Pakistan, Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA), Federal Services Tribunal (FST), National Industrial Relations Commission (NIRC); and before courts including High Courts at Islamabad, Lahore, Sindh, Peshawar, Balochistan and Supreme Court of Pakistan in Constitution Petitions; Civil, Commercial and Corporate disputes; Arbitration proceedings; and Employment, Labour and Services matters etc.
Some of his reported judgments published in different Law Journals are as under:
(2016 C L C 1732), (2018 M L D 454), (2018 Y L R 104), (2019 C L C Notes 23), (2019 C L C 1613), (2020 P Cr L J 268), (2020 P Cr L J 392), (2020 P L C (C.S) 1211), (2020 P L C (C.S) 1467),
(2021 P L C (C.S) 14), (2021 M L D 1267), (2021 M L D 1280), (2021 CLC 1300), (2022 PLC (C.S) 240), (2022 YLR Note 4).
Besides his litigation and legal consultancy expertise, Mr. Jameel Hussain Qureshi, Advocate Supreme Court, remained part of visiting faculty of Quaid-e-Azam University and International Islamic University Islamabad for Intellectual Property laws and being guest lecturer delivered lectures on “Legal Framework in relation to entrepreneurship” to Startups, Entrepreneurs and Business Students of Founder Institute, Islamabad and NUST Business School, Islamabad.